Sierra Boggess Wishing You Were Somehow Hear Again Gif


The Phantom of the Opera is a musical and operetta past Andrew Lloyd Webber, based on the novel by Gaston Leroux. The music was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics past Charles Hart and additional lyrics by Richard Stilgoe, directed by Hal Prince, choreographed past Gillian Lynne, lighting by Andrew Span and designed by Maria Bjornson. The musical focuses on a beautiful vocalizer, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, disfigured musical genius known as The Phantom, who terrorizes the Paris Opera House. The Phantom of the Opera first opened in London in 1986 at Her Majesty's Theatre.

Summary [ ]

Steve Harley & Sarah Brightman


The musical opens at the Opera Populaire in Paris in 1911, an auction is underway, with diverse memorabilia from the Opera'southward past. Raoul, Vicomte de Chagny, purchases a music box 'in the shape of a barrel organ. Attached the figure of a monkey playing the cymbals'. Raoul recounts how his late wife Christine would oft speak of the music box. Lot 666 is then up for auction, which is a chandelier in pieces. The auctioneer mentions that the chandelier was involved in the "strange affair of the Phantom of the Opera, a mystery never fully explained." The auctioneer invites the audience and the cast to "affright away the ghost of then many years ago... With A Little Illumination!!!"The chandelier illuminates with a flash and slowly begins to rise to the rafters of the theatre every bit the opera house is restored to its original grandeur (Overture).

Act I

At the Opera Populaire, 1881, a rehearsal for Hannibal is underway.(The Rehearsal) Monsieur Lefèvre, the owner, announces that he has sold the theater to ii new managers, Monsieur Firmin and Monsieur André. They observe ii of the ballet dancers, Meg Giry and her friend, Christine Daaé, with some curiosity. André asks Carlotta Giudicelli, the resident diva, to sing an aria. She agrees, but in the middle of the vocal, a backdrop suddenly falls dangerously close to her. The company blames the accident on the Opera Ghost. Carlotta has dealt with such incidents for "The concluding three years!", and says that she has had as well much of it. She quits, taking Ubaldo Piangi, the leading tenor of the Opera Populaire, with her. The managers lament having to abolish the show, simply Million quickly suggests that they consider Christine. The managers are hundred-to-one initially, but allow her to sing. Christine starts her song ("Think of Me") tentatively, but eventually impresses the entire visitor with her voice and is given the role.

The managers and Raoul (the new patron of the Opera House) look on from the stage box during a performance. Raoul is peculiarly impressed; he remembers Christine from their babyhood. Subsequently the performance, Madame Giry praises Christine and castigates the ballet girls, forcing them to exercise into the night. The Phantom's vocalisation in the distance commends Christine on that night's performance. Meg sneaks away from the rehearsal to find Christine outside her dressing room. She expresses her delight in her friend's alter of fortune, but wonders how it came about. Christine tells 1000000 that the Angel of Music has been tutoring her in singing during the night. She thinks he has been sent from Sky by her father. The 2 discuss the consequence ("Angel of Music") until Madame Giry arrives to retrieve 1000000 and deliver a note from Raoul.

The managers bring Raoul to Christine'southward dressing room. She is pleased to see him, and reminisces on her childhood memories with him ("Little Lotte"). She tells him about the Angel of Music. He invites her to dinner, but she declines because the Affections of Music is very strict, and would exist angry. When Raoul leaves to go his hat, the Phantom sings to Christine well-nigh his displeasure that Raoul is trying to courtroom her ("Angel of Music/The Mirror"). Christine pleads for his forgiveness and begs the Affections to evidence himself. He complies, revealing himself -Mystically- backside Christine's mirror. The Phantom takes Christine backside the mirror and through a series of undercover tunnels to his lair ("The Phantom of the Opera"), where he entreats her to sing for him. The Phantom later serenades her ("The Music of the Night"). During this vocal, he shows her a life-size doll in a wedding ceremony gown that looks exactly like her. Christine realizes that the doll is her and she faints, considering she believes The Phantom(subtly) proposed to her. The Phantom carries her to a bed gently and lets her sleep.

The next morning, Christine sees the Phantom bent over his organ, composing intently ("I Remember..."). Every bit she sneaks up behind him, her curiosity gets the better of her, and she pulls off his mask. She sees his deformity behind the mask, though the audience does non. Furiously, he rounds on her and curses her for her actions. The Phantom softens, after seeing Christine's fearfulness and explains that he just wants to be like everyone else, and that he hopes she will acquire to dearest him in spite of his confront ("Stranger than You Dreamt Information technology"). She returns his mask and the ii take a moment of understanding before he returns her to the surface.

Michael Crawford & Sarah Brightman

As the Phantom and Christine sneak dorsum into the theater, Joseph Buquet regales the ballet girls with terrible tales of the mysterious Opera Ghost ("Magical Lasso"), telling them that the merely fashion to protect themselves is to proceed their 'manus at the level of your eyes'. The Phantom sees them, and the ballet girls run off screaming. Madame Giry tells Buquet to hold his natural language, or the consequences will be severe.

In the managers' office, Firmin, Andre, Raoul and Carlotta puzzle over several cryptic notes they take received from the "Opera Ghost". They all blame each other for the various notes which accept menacing tones. Madame Giry arrives with another note, in which the Phantom tells the managers to keep Box V gratuitous for him, to requite the leading role in the opera Il Muto to Christine, and relegate Carlotta to a silent part ("Notes"). Carlotta accuses Raoul of orchestrating the whole event and claims that he has had an affair with Christine. Fearing the loss of their main soprano (and her lover, the principal tenor, Piangi) the managers promise her that she will keep her leading part ("Prima Donna").

At Il Muto that night, Carlotta indeed plays the function of the Countess; Christine is the mute pageboy. Raoul decides to sit in Box Five to watch the show. The prove is going well ("Poor Fool, He Makes Me Express mirth"), until the voice of the Phantom, from nowhere, berates the managers for not having left box five empty. And so he angrily taunts Carlotta and makes her croak like a toad. She flees into Piangi'south arms. The bear witness stops and they announce that it volition resume with Christine equally the Countess. The ballet chorus is sent out to entertain the waiting crowd, just the operation is interrupted when the backdrop lifts to reveal the corpse of Joseph Buquet hanging from the rafters, having been strangled by the Phantom via noose. In the ensuing melee, Christine finds Raoul and takes him to the roof where they will be "safety".

Ramin Karimloo

On the roof, Christine tries to tell Raoul that she has seen the Phantom'southward confront and been in his lair, though Raoul does non believe her ("Why Have Y'all Brought Me Here?/Raoul, I've Been There"). Christine hears the Phantom, but Raoul looks around and sees no 1. Raoul promises to dearest and protect her e'er, And Christine agrees lovestruck ("All I Ask of You"). The ii make plans to run into each other subsequently the show. After Christine and Raoul head dorsum downstairs, The Phantom emerges. He has heard the entire conversation. He is heartbroken, merely his sorrow turns to rage and he vows vengeance against Raoul ("All I Inquire of You Reprise"). Returning to the theater, he sends the mighty chandelier crashing down on the stage during the curtain telephone call in a bitter fit of rage, Sending the opera into a complete shot of mayhem.

Human activity Ii

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Everyone is in omnipresence at the New year's masquerade ball ("Masquerade"). The Phantom has not shown himself for half-dozen months. The managers relent on how the opera has gotten a lot better in the by few months and how they jokingly wish the phantom could join them. Christine and Raoul are now engaged. To Raoul's dismay though, Christine insists on hiding her band thus hiding their engagement, which is on a chain on her neck. The Phantom enters, dressed as the championship graphic symbol from Edgar Allan Poe's "The Masque of the Red Expiry". He announces that he has written an opera, and that he expects the managers to produce it ("Why And so Silent?").Hmm... Hmm... Or else... He also confronts Christine and forcefully takes her engagement ring from her maxim that she belongs to him and must sing for him. In the ensuing chaos Raoul begs Madame Giry to tell him near the Phantom, for him suspecting her of knowing more than originally led on. She tells him of a fair that visited the urban center years ago, complete with acrobats, conjurers, and freaks. The main allure was a deformed boy locked in a muzzle; a vivid heed with the confront of a living corpse. It was revealed past her that he is an architect, scholar, magician, musician and composer, who once built a maze of mirrors for the Shah of Persia. Madame Giry goes on to say that he escaped and was presumed dead, but she can never forget him "for in this darkness, I have seen him over again". She runs away as Raoul puts the pieces together.

The Phantom'south opera, Don Juan Triumphant, causes chaos and arguments among the managers and actors. Christine has been granted the largest office in the opera, which angers everyone. She tells the managers she does not 'desire any part in this plot' because she is afraid that the Phantom will capture her. Raoul realizes that they can utilize the opera as a trap to capture the Phantom ("Notes II/Twisted Every Way"). Christine is unhappy with the thought as she does not want the Phantom dead. Tormented past the choice she must make, she flees the room. And leaves without a 2nd word.

Rehearsals begin and everyone has their own conversation. Carlotta and Madame Giry are arguing nigh the song, while Piangi is having problem pronouncing "tangle." Finally, Carlotta sings the vocal mockingly. The pianoforte starts to play by itself, and everyone sings along mechanically, except for Christine. She visits her father's grave to try to make sense of the state of affairs. She wishes her male parent was in that location to help her make the right choice; perhaps if she lets go of her father'due south memory, she volition no longer be in thrall to the Phantom ("Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again"). The Phantom appears hidden and sings to her ,gently , again in the guise of the Angel Of Music ("Wandering Child"). Christine falls dorsum under his spell.

Raoul enters the scene running onto the stage and brings Christine back to reality. The two men verbally spar ("Bravo Monsieur"), while the Phantom shoots fireballs down at Raoul, merely Christine begs Raoul to run abroad with her. Enraged, the Phantom declares that "Now Allow It Exist War Upon You Both!!!!" and The Phantom destroys the graveyard with flash bombs and explosions. Raoul and the police go over instructions to trap the Phantom. Raoul tells a marksman hiding in the orchestra pit to shoot to kill. The law set up out to bar all of the exits. The vocalization of the Phantom is heard, taunting them. He appears in Box Five only vanishes equally the marksman fires. Roaul rounds on him, only the Phantom interrupts, telling them to "let the audition in, let my opera begin!" ("Don Juan"). Christine appears onstage to sing ("The Point of No Return"). Don Juan appears onstage, with his face covered and body. During her duet with "Don Juan," Christine realizes rapidly she is singing with the Phantom instead of Piangi. The Phantom gives her a ring and expresses his beloved. Christine whips off his mask to reveal his plain-featured face to everyone. Before the police can intervene, the Phantom drags Christine offstage. Carlotta cries out in horror equally Piangi is discovered dead, and a mob sets out to rails down the Phantom once and for all. Madame Giry finds Raoul to have him to the bridge above the lake, and tells him where to discover the Phantom. She warns him of the Punjab lasso, telling him to go on "your paw at the level of your eyes." Meg asks that she comes with him, but Madame Giry tells her the Phantom is too dangerous.

Down in the lair, the Phantom has forced Christine to put on the wedding apparel ("Down Once More/Rails Down This Murderer"). Christine asks if he is going to kill her also. He assures her that he would not impale her, and that his face is the reason that she will not love him. Christine says that she is non agape of his face, but his soul. Raoul arrives, pleading to the Phantom to let Christine go, "exercise what yous similar, only free her!" The Phantom admits him to the lair and then snares him in the Punjab lasso. The Phantom offers Christine a option: either he will kill Raoul and let Christine go, or she will stay with him and Raoul can go gratuitous.

The Phantom insists that she must choose. Christine sadly tells the Phantom that he deceived her. Raoul apologizes and expresses his love for Christine, saying that equally long as she is rubber from the Phantom information technology doesn't matter what happens to him. Finally, Christine makes her choice and lovingly kisses the Phantom. Stunned by the kiss, which is the showtime real human love The Phantom has ever experienced, he sets Raoul free and releases Christine. He asks them both to leave and keep his existence a clandestine.

Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo

Raoul leaves, but Christine wants to return the Phantom's ring. The Phantom admits his love for her: "Christine I Dear Y'all..."; and tearfully, she forces herself to turn away. She and Raoul exit in the Phantom's boat, singing to each other. The Phantom sobs into the wedding ceremony veil Christine has left backside and cries out "You alone can brand my song have flying. It's over now, the music of the night!" As the mob approaches, he sits downwardly in his throne and pulls his cape around him. Meg slips through the bars in the gate and looks around for Christine. She notices the throne and cautiously walks over to it. When she pulls back the cape, she finds that the Phantom has vanished and all that remains is his mask. One thousand thousand picks up the mask and holds it aloft as a single calorie-free shining on the mask fades into darkness.


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